The Knock 'Em Downs | Clint Bolster & Annie Lee
review, sideshow, performance art Fliss Morton review, sideshow, performance art Fliss Morton

The Knock 'Em Downs | Clint Bolster & Annie Lee

Lee and Bolster were painfully ambivalent, even indifferent, to anyone and everyone’s presence. And best of all, when audience’s participation didn’t cut the mustard, they made no attempt to hide their disappointment. If your ball throwing skills were aimless, you knew it. If you took too long to hand over your ticket, you knew it. If your hoop throws onto the pointy clown noses were lacklustre, you knew it. And not just because of the clown’s body language – with impatient eyes and slouched shoulders – but also because of the ‘loser’ sound que they’d hit each time someone’s efforts deserved public condemnation.

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Bearded Bingo |  Briefs Factory and Cluster Arts
circus, performance art, review Virag Dombay circus, performance art, review Virag Dombay

Bearded Bingo | Briefs Factory and Cluster Arts

Hosted by the very glamorous Shivannah, Thom and Captain Kidd, the mid morning was full of chaotic energy as each contestant fought to be the first one to complete their bingo combination. These very sexcellent bingo combinations included the little willy (one top, one middle, one bottom), the full house (everything), the hourglass (three top, two middle, three bottom) and Tasmania (three top, two middle, one bottom).

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