Dirty Laundry | Briefs Factory

Briefs Factory’s Dirty Laundry is a celebration of embracing your bolder side and letting loose in these stifling times.

Featuring nine performers, the show consisted of a number of acts in which there was sexy juggling, awe-inspiring acrobatics and a string of gum that went into too many bodily holes. Led by Fez Faanana (also known as Shivanana), there was dirty laundry flung at the audience, spun around in washing machines and aired to the public via a naughty confessional, in which the performers read out loud notes written by the audience about things they wanted to get off of their chest. Turns out someone was having a really bad first date and that someone was blessed downstairs but didn’t know how to use it.

There was a beauty pageant with a gassy contestant, a bubble machine fantasy and some seriously impressive lip syncing. As always there was a raffle and as always, I didn’t win but Trish, the lucky winner, got a lap dance on stage. Or at least, her co-vid safe doppelgänger did…

The humour and banter was witty, raunchy and vulgar, the perfect blend for a night on the town. The choreography was hot, the mood lighting was warm and the wigs were to die for. Like seriously, where can I get one? And if we’re talking about adding things to the wish list, I’d love to know where you can buy laundry machines that blast Salt and Peppa’s Push It and do they all come with a sexy juggler as well? These are very important questions…

Briefs Factory’s Dirty Laundry is sexy, but it also has a lot of heart and soul. It’s a show that not only dazzles, but is also about connection and finding joy and pleasure in moments of uncertainty. It’s a show that will make you wolf-whistle, stomp your feet and leave you thirsty for more.

Dirty Laundry by Briefs Factory plays at the Southbank Piazza until 11 September 2021.

Virag Dombay

Virag Dombay is a multidisciplinary artist whose creative practice includes working as a director, playwright, actor and teaching artist. Having recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) at QUT, she’s performed and trained with a plethora of theatre companies in Brisbane and has performed original works at the Brisbane Powerhouse and Metro Arts.

She loves storytelling - whether it be for young or old -, inspiring creativity for the children she teaches and direct and encourage people to consume more theatre through writing wickedly amazing reviews.


Demolition | Polytoxic


Demolition | Polytoxic