Enemies of Grooviness Eat Sh!t | Betty Grumble
review, theatre Sarah McNally review, theatre Sarah McNally

Enemies of Grooviness Eat Sh!t | Betty Grumble

The way the content is presented you can’t help but talk about it, think about it and write about it. These conversations and thoughts are creating little ripples that are flowing out to the wider community. Every time Grumble performs another ripple is created. So perhaps a sex clown can save the world, one ripple at a time.

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Literary Death Match | Brisbane Writers Festival
performance art, review Virag Dombay performance art, review Virag Dombay

Literary Death Match | Brisbane Writers Festival

The arena was the Princess Theatre, as fierce as the MCG on Boxing Day. The crowd was appropriately tipsy and rowdy for a Wednesday night on the town. The lighting was shmick and the judges were ready to roll. We had the jack of all trades/‘thrower of shit on a wall and seeing what sticks’ Benjamin Law, the pocket-rocket, beatboxing Hope One and the conqueror of the Argentinian men’s water polo team (you had to be there) Reuben Kaye.

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